Saturday, 8 February 2025

Who we are

Gallium Arsenide Application Symposium

European Scientific Cultural Association
based at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Università degli Studi di Roma – Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico, 1 - Rome, ITALY


Gallium Arsenide Application Symposium Association (GAAS Association)

The Gallium Arsenide Application Symposium (GAAS) Association is a cultural non-profit making entity, established in 1995, with the aim to pursue the following objectives mainly in the field of high and very high frequency electronics:

The organization of the GAAS Symposium, now EuMIC, annually in a country of EU

The organization of courses, seminars, scientific meetings

The production and circulation of informative and educational material

The participation in EU initiative concerning both education and research

The awarding of scholarships and study prizes to young researchers carrying on scientific and or technical programmes and activities

The sponsorships of national or international workshops and conferences in the field of applications of MMICs

Paolo Colantonio

President GAAS


As President of this no-profit organization, I am proud to invite you to explore and engage in our mission of developing and advancing research and innovation in the field of high-frequency electronics. Our community is driven by a shared passion for pushing the boundaries of technology and fostering groundbreaking discoveries that shape the future. We believe in the power of collaboration and knowledge exchange. By supporting researchers, students, and professionals, we strive to create new opportunities for growth and progress in this vital sector. Thank you for visiting our site and for your interest in our work. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the future of high-frequency electronics.

Become a Member

How to become a member?

Fill out the form via the link below and submit your application.

Latest News

EuMW Utrecht 2025

The 28th edition of the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2025) will come to Utrecht to continue the annual series of highly successful microwave events that started back in 1998.

Latest Sponsorship

Young Engineering Price (YEP) - EuMIC 2024

From Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

News & Events

Online the new website for EuMW 2025

The 28th edition of the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2025) will come to Utrecht to continue the annual series of highly successful microwave events...

Online the new website for EuMW 2025

The 28th edition of the European Microwave Week (EuMW...

Welcome to EuMW 2024

The 27th edition of the European Microwave Week (EuMW...